About Us

Sustainable, clean burning, and free from Phthalates, Parabens, Petroleum & other harmful toxins.

Bretara offers high-quality soy wax candles that are non-toxic. Our handcrafted candles are clean-burning and long-lasting. The AAK (Golden Soy) Wax used to make our candles is harvested here in fly-over states like Indiana and Illinois in the middle of the USA. Our creations also have 100% cotton, zink & lead-free wicks, and our fragrances are all phthalate-free and never tested on animals. Did we already state that? We think it’s worth repeating, as many companies blend their apricot/coconut wax with a harder wax substance so their candles do not melt in warmer temperatures. So, when it’s claimed that their products have a cleaner burn, are more environmentally friendly, and have no paraffin, ask for more information. You can learn more about Soy Wax Candles here.

Our Fragrances

Our Fragrances are created from our experiences with our family, heritage, and life. Our core scents bring back memories of walks in The Back 40, Grandma’s Apple Pie, and the scent of Papa’s sun-worn leather boots. Bretara Handcrafted Candles are hand-poured in small batches to ensure that each candle is handled with the same care and created to bring the recipient a gift of fragrant memories without the worry of toxins or irritants. Soy waxes are natural, non-toxic, clean-burning, and come from a renewable source. They help support the American farmer.

Fragrance Memories

Bretara’s Soy Wax Candles provide long-lasting fragrances that evoke precious memories. Each candle is inspired by a particular story or moment shared with loved ones. Our goal at Bretara is to create a unique sensory experience that fills your space with beloved memories through the power of fragrance. We hope that when you take in the aroma of our Opening Day candle, you not only smell the coffee brewing the morning of November 15, but you might also be able to hear the hunters chatting about their food plots or remembering a story shared or passed down from Grandpa or Cousin Chad. You may even have an entirely different version of an Opening Day, but now you have a fragrance memory or what some would call a fragrant flashback.

The Back 40

This candle, The Back 40, is a unique blend of Red Cedar, Wildflowers, and Green Meadows. It is a subtle fragrance inspired by my experience growing up on a centennial farm with an actual Back 40. Handmade wooden signs are on a two-track path named after my family members throughout the 200 acres of family heritage. Looking up through the enormous Red Cedars at night, you can still see millions of stars in the midnight sky. It’s here that fragrances such as Scottish Wildflowers, Opening Day, GrandDad’s Flannel, and Papa’s Boots were all inspired.

Cabin Life and Whiskey & Friends

Whiskey & Friends and Cabin Life were both developed with my Sweets. In truth, we wouldn’t be making candles at all without him. One day, our favorite fragrance just disappeared. We could not find it anywhere and knew we had a mission. We talked, listened to music, drank some scotch, hung out by the lake, and decided to make our own candles. And we did! They were great! We decided to make great candles that smell incredible and sell them to others so they never have to go without their favorite fragrance. It was then that Bretara Handcrafted Soy Wax Candles was born!

Lake House & Summer Vibes

Lake House and Summer Vibes were fashioned during a summer spent on the beautiful waters of Michigan. We cherish the three short summer months when temperatures soar above 80 degrees, and the best place to be is “Up North.” We always lather in sunscreen because we understand the importance of protecting our skin from the sun. We reveled in the joy of being on the lake, creating the Lake House and Summer Vibes candles. It is the perfect combination to take you on a journey of warmth and sunshine, even in winter.

Giving Back is the Best

Creating our masterpieces is incredible, but the best part of our work is being able to give back. We have goals to give back to our community, whether there is a need in the schools, donations for a coat drive, or a breast cancer run- Bretara will be there. While we are still growing, we will do and give what we can!

Some of the charities we have designated donations to are:

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